Dr Shezad Malik Law Firm has offices based in Fort Worth and Dallas and represents people who have suffered catastrophic and serious personal injuries including wrongful death, caused by the negligence or recklessness of others. We specialize in Personal Injury trial litigation and focus our energy and efforts on those we represent.

Articles Tagged with Stroke and Xarelto

Xarelto Bleeding Injury $28M Verdict Tossed. What the court giveth, the court taketh away! Such is the capriciousness of the court system.

The first Xarelto Bleeding Injury plaintiff’s victory against Bayer and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) over Xarelto’s bleeding risks was short lived. In the case of Lynn Hartman, Judge Michael Erdos in Philadelphia this week entered a judgment notwithstanding the verdict, stating that a no reasonable jury could have reached the same conclusion.

The judge tanked the verdict after hearing arguments from Johnson & Johnson and it’s Janssen unit and Bayer that a physician for the plaintiff had testified that additional warnings would not have changed her decision to prescribe the drug.

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