Dr Shezad Malik Law Firm has offices based in Fort Worth and Dallas and represents people who have suffered catastrophic and serious personal injuries including wrongful death, caused by the negligence or recklessness of others. We specialize in Personal Injury trial litigation and focus our energy and efforts on those we represent.

Search Results for: accutane

Roche Holding AG, the world’s biggest maker of cancer drugs, is pulling its Accutane acne medicine from the U.S. market after juries awarded at least $33 million in damages to users who blamed the drug for bowel disease. Roche notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today that it was withdrawing Accutane after a “reevaluation” […]

The acne remedy Accutane, a synthetic form of vitamin A used to treat serious forms of acne that can cause scarring, has been the subject of extensive litigation because of a long list of side effects including inflammatory bowel disease, suicide, and birth defects. The U.S. manufacturer of Accutane, Hoffman La Roche, is part of […]

The Eleventh Circuit ruled on Wednesday on an interesting and provocative case. In an unpublished opinion, the Eleventh Circuit affirmed a trial court’s grant of summary judgment in a case in which the mother of a 17 year-old who committed suicide in 2000 sued Hoffman-La Roche, Inc. The plaintiff alleged that Accutane, an acne drug […]

A woman who said she developed ulcerative colitis from taking Accutane was awarded $10.5 million by a New Jersey jury. It was the third of 425 lawsuits alleging that Accutane caused inflammatory bowel disease in some users to go to trial. All three cases have resulted in multi-million dollar judgments against Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., the maker […]

Roche Holding AG must pay $12.9 million to plaintiffs who blamed the Accutane acne medicine for their inflammatory bowel disease, a New Jersey jury ruled, handing the company its fourth trial loss in the case. Roche didn’t give proper warnings to doctors for three Florida residents about the risks of Accutane, which was a substantial […]

This is an interesting issue of conflict of interest, impartiality and doing the right thing, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. Talk about the fox guarding the chicken house! In December, an advisory panel for the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) voted to recommend by 15-11 margin that the benefits of Yaz, Yasmin […]

The use of Actos, a popular diabetic drug, is associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer. If you have developed bladder cancer as a result of using the drug Actos, then you need to consider the time you have to file a lawsuit for the injuries you have suffered. The right to file a […]

I am proud of our work this week. We just settled another car accident injury claim. My client was minding his own business, one night in Dallas. Somebody plowed into him and rear ended him. The folks who hit him were drunk and tried to run. They were caught by an off duty apartment security […]

Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is an extremely rare disorder characterized by a severe skin reaction to medication Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a rare but serious and potentially life-threatening condition. SJS is defined as a hypersensitivity disorder affecting the skin and mucous membranes. The most severe form of Stevens Johnson Syndrome is Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis […]

The side effects known to be caused by such prescription drugs as Accutane, Byetta, Chantix, Digitek, Fentanyl patches, Heparin, Nuvaring, Paxil, Levaquin Yaz/Yasmin and Ortho Evra just to name a few, were repeatedly covered up instead of having FDA approval. If you or someone you know is taking or has taken prescription drugs in the […]

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