In this article, I’ll address the dangers of Benzene, a popular chemical used in many industries.

Benzene Toxic Pit lead to deadly cancer in a California man
California Benzene Toxic Pit Lawsuit
A California jury in a trial in Santa Barbara awarded $63 million in damages against Chevron. The jury found the oil giant was liable for covering up a toxic chemical pit on land purchased by a man who built a house on it and was later diagnosed with a deadly blood cancer.
According to Kevin Wright’s lawsuit, he developed multiple myeloma after building his home directly over the chemical pit near Santa Barbara in 1985. Wright lived in that house for about two years but 27 years later, he was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer that can be caused by benzene exposure.
In 2015, Wright was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, has received two stem cell treatments, and is getting chemo once a month, and he’s going to continue to do that for the foreseeable future. Continue reading