
Diabetic Patients Shocked over Invokana Amputation side effects

Diabetic Patients Shocked over Invokana Amputation side effects. We have been contacted by many diabetic patients who have expressed shock and horror with Johnson & Johnson the maker of the notorious new type of diabetic medication, Invokana.

Diabetic Patients Shocked over Invokana Amputation side effects

Johnson & Johnson and it’s Janssen subsidiary are under intense scrutiny over claims that the companies failed to adequately research the potential side effects of Invokana.

These folks are frightened and angry over the increased risk of serious and in some cases catastrophic side effects of Invokana. Johnson & Johnson and it’s Janssen subsidiary are under fire because the companies failed to adequately research the potential side effects of Invokana according to the over 1,000 lawsuits on file.

Diabetic patients are shocked and fearful because Invokana has been linked to an increased risk of diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney failure, and leg amputations.

Examples of Invokana Amputation Side Effects

The following cases are examples of the amputation allegations against the pharmaceutical giants. Whitney Bridgford, from Kentucky, recently filed product liability lawsuit claiming that catastrophic complications from Invokana lead to several amputations and heart attacks.

According to Bridgford, the diabetic drug manufacturers were derelict in their duty when they failed to adequately warn about the side effect risks linked to their blockbuster new diabetes drug.

Bridgford filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey claiming that her severe permanent injuries could have been avoided if proper warnings had been provided for patients and doctors about the increased risk of Invokana causing diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney failure, and lower limb amputations.

Richard Greenhut from Florida used Invokana for treatment of type 2 diabetes, and within a year he had to undergo toe amputations, which he claims were caused by side effects of Invokana.

According to Greenhut, he developed swollen, ulcerated toes and kidney failure requiring toe amputations for bone infections.

What is Invokana?

Invokana (canagliflozin) was approved for sale in March 2013, as the first member of a new class of diabetes drugs, known as sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors.

Similar SGLT2 drugs include Invokamet, Jardiance, Farxiga, Xigduo, and Invokana has the largest market share.

Invokana Injury lawsuits over 1,000

The Invokana side effect injury cases are concentrated in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, and more than 1,000 have been filed for centralization and coordination for pretrial proceedings, as part of a federal multidistrict litigation (MDL).

The Invokana side effect cases involve three different injury categories, kidney failure, diabetic ketoacidosis, and allegations that Invokana increases the risk of amputations.

FDA Warnings over Invokana Side Effects

Since Invokana’s release, there have been many reports of catastrophic health complications from patients taking the type 2 diabetic medication. The FDA has ordered many warning label updates over the past several years.

In December 2015, the FDA ordered Johnson & Johnson to add new diabetic ketoacidosis warnings to Invokana, finding that the drug increases the risk of this dangerous medical condition.

In June 2016, the FDA ordered new label warnings about Invokana and kidney risks, finding that the drug increases the risk of acute kidney failure.

In May 2017, the FDA ordered new label warnings about Invokana and the increased risk of leg and foot amputations.

If you or someone you know developed Invokana Ketoacidosis, leg, foot, toes amputations or kidney failure by taking Invokana for the treatment of their type 2 diabetes, please call us for further information at 214-390-3189. Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm based in Dallas, Texas is investigating Invokana Wrongful death, Invokana Ketoacidosis, leg amputations, and kidney failure cases nationwide from folks taking Invokana for the treatment of their type 2 diabetes.

Read more about Invokana Injury Side Effects here

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